Friday, October 13, 2006

Topshop on Wheels

Day 5 - Woke up at 7.30 this morning to Mongolian music blaring on the train. The music sounds remarkably similar to traditional chinese music which I haven't heard for a long time. Feeling very happy. We pull into a town called Ishim. From the looks of things, this is a good stop for them. Crowds of russians are already gathering on the platform. There is much animated bargaining, trying on of coats and exchanging of monies, all under the watchful eyes of the ever present authorities. As Ida advises (we also promised) , we take no pictures. 20 minutes later the train jerks to indicate it's starting up and slowly picks up speed to allow our enterprising friends to climb back on.
Station (Tim's pic)

Day 5 (PM) - We have fully embraced our new way of life. Lisa has asked Ida to source a specific coat for her and the couple next door, Tim and Sam have finally relented and allowed the locals to enter their cabin to retrieve some items from the roof. Tim tells us he was accosted by not one but three mongolian women ...apparently the large girl was most persuasive.

Hours meld into the next as we read, talk, play soduku and sleep amidst people constantly jiggling our cabin door handle, trying to get in. The provinista and several passengers are smoking a little hash. We have entered Siberia and it is getting much colder. The view outside is lovely - the landscape is full of silver barked birch trees with bright yellow leaves. We have apparently crossed 5 out of the 11 time zones.

We stop in a town called Nobrolovsky (spelt as such I think.. I have to check once I get my handbook from my travel agent upon my return). I find myself craving for crisps. JD buys me a packet, along with some bananas and oranges from the platform.

We together with Lisa spend the rest of the day talking about the discrepancies contained in our glossy Trans Sib brochures (the words 'kick off your shoes', 'sip vodkha' and 'relax' somehow don't go with 'barracading yourself in cabins, and pot noodles....). We resolve to have a word with our travel agents when we get back.

Buying food from platform

Savoury bun (filled with bits of cabbage ... very tasty)

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